Friday, June 1, 2007

Early Morning .....

I love early morning around my house..... I am the only one up, except for the 4 legged kids who are just nagging to be fed. Anywho, I am the only one up, coffee is making, and today I just stood on my patio and wondered and all the beauty God gave me to take in daily. I have never really appreciated nature until recently. When I was younger, I hated to be outside (still do not care for bugs much). Now, I like early morning, dew on the grass (hard to believe that was how God watered the earth before the Fall, huh?), the sun is an orangey-red color that I like, the birds are singing in the large tree that provides great shade for our home, and all is right in the world. (Almost asking for trouble there, huh?)

AND some mornings, it gets even better, I have a few minutes to sew before I take the boys to school! Yipee! Today I opted to post here, but this is still good, as I have off work today, so I will sew for 15 minutes when I come back.

So, have a great day, enjoy your early morning, no matter when it starts, and praise God for all that HE is given!

Happy Stitchin'

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