Saturday, May 1, 2010


I am a person that is stuck in liking organization but does too much to stay constantly organized. I like lists, blocks of time to do things, materials in their places, preferably grouped well, so I can find what I am looking for easily and other organizational tips and ideas that I have not been using lately. I am a busy person and have not taken the time lately to make a goal and priority list, but that will be the first list I do, then the action lists. I have not accomplished much in life but when I have, it was due to making a proper goal and then the list of activities that would be required to complete that goal. Today, I am going to start working on two lists... one of appropriate goals for now through the next two or three years and one of all the WIP's I have in boxes waiting to be finished... I miss sewing daily and remember a time when I used to sew every morning before I left for work.

I am not sure if daily sewing will be on the activity list, but sorting out the priorities will sure help determine that.

Happy Stitchin'


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