Thursday, April 19, 2007

Long time No Change....

So, I am new to this blogging thing and also to remember to make posts.... usually I just e-mail my friends over and over the same news to each one of them, but it is easier to post here.... semi incognito.....

Old News:

Just came back from a 3 day quilting retreat with my mom and 10 other gals from my quilting guild, Riverwalk Quilters Guild of Naperville. We went to Racine, WI (just 2 hours away) to the Siena Center. Had lots of fun and are planning on going again in November. Since it will not be a guild event that time just a group of gals getting together I am going to invite my stitching friends to come along. I cannot express how much fun we had. :-)

Job is the same, very stressful and challenging. 3 more people in my dept quit and they have only hired 2 of the first three that quit months ago! The original dept was only 12 people, so we do struggle some days to keep the work flowing. This has prompted some new news:

New News:

I will be having a job change soon. I am answering God's call to go work with urban youth in ministry programs that I have helped develop and volunteered in for years. This is a great change, and does bring some challenges... namely salary. I am confident God will provide for us and because God cannot direct a ship that is not moving I will be actively promoting my quilt business, . Don't bother to stop there, it's not built yet; so I will start here and with my friends' help move there. I am still challenging myself daily to work at least 20 minutes in my personal quilts (the UFO's) and that is some days easy and some days more of a challenge, but it is still a goal.

I also have gotten a part time job, to help with the transition. I am doing bookkeeping (my old gig) 5 hours a week at a local yarn shop. Boy is that trouble! I only have quilt type UFO's and the Damn Tablecloth to work now, but working around all that beautiful yarn makes me want to start a sweater! NO! I am resisting but it is hard! I am going to earnestly try to crochet one motif/day and see how that goes.... if I am making good progress and feel I can keep it up when I start my new job, I will start a summer sweater.

More about my new job: I am really excited to be working with kids, even if it is only 25 hours/week. Such opportunity to help them grow and learn in a fun relaxed atmosphere. Wahoo!

Well, I will close now and surf the wen for a few more minutes linking up my friends blogs..... (TY Lundie for showing me how this works.....) and later put some pictures in..... poor Lundie, she has volunteered to help me and doesn't know that I know absolutely nothing about all of this!

Happy stitching! Shannon

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! You have pictures! I'm so proud!!! :)