Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Coming back....

I frequently forget that this is here and usually just journal, but have decide to daily post a thought or two, only. As an outlet for all the business in my life, that I choose to have in my life and basically just vent...

See you in the funny pages soon. JK!

For today I am just grateful for work and having jobs to provide for us, the gifts God has given me to out my "eggs in many baskets" and also get to choose what those baskets will be. I feel strapped, like many right now, financially, but encouraged that if I continue to work and be a good steward of my pennies (literally) I will survive these trying times.

I am also EXTREMELY grateful for family and friends, whom have seen me through some of this and continue to pray for me and love me. Thank you.

I am so happy Jay comes home next month, I have missed him terribly!

That's it for now...


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